#!/usr/bin/env python #GoodFET SPI Flash Client #by Travis Goodspeed #N.B., #Might be Winbond W25x80-specific. import sys; import binascii; import array; from GoodFET import GoodFET; from intelhex import IntelHex; if(len(sys.argv)==1): print "Usage: %s verb [objects]\n" % sys.argv[0]; print "%s info" % sys.argv[0]; print "%s dump $foo.hex [0x$start 0x$stop]" % sys.argv[0]; print "%s erase" % sys.argv[0]; print "%s write $foo.hex [0x$start 0x$stop]" % sys.argv[0]; print "%s verify $foo.hex [0x$start 0x$stop]" % sys.argv[0]; print "%s peek 0x$start [0x$stop]" % sys.argv[0]; print "%s poke 0x$adr 0x$val" % sys.argv[0]; sys.exit(); #Initailize FET and set baud rate client=GoodFET(); client.serInit() client.SPIsetup(); #Dummy read. #Might read as all ones if chip has a startup delay. client.SPIjedec(); if(sys.argv[1]=="test"): result=""; dropped=0; for i in range(40): data=client.SPIjedec(); if ord(data[1])==0xFF: result+="-"; dropped=dropped+1; else: result+="+"; print "Connection Test: (- is bad)\n%s" % result; print "%i misreads" % dropped; if(dropped==40): print "No successful reads. Is the chip wired correctly?"; elif(dropped>0): print "Some success, some failures. Is a wire loose?"; else: print "All reads succeeded. Wiring is probably good."; if(sys.argv[1]=="info"): data=client.SPIjedec(); print "Ident as %s\nManufacturer: %02x %s\nType: %02x\nCapacity: %02x" % ( client.SPIjedecstr(), ord(data[1]),client.SPIjedecmanstr(), ord(data[2]), ord(data[3])); if(sys.argv[1]=="dump"): f = sys.argv[2]; start=0x0000; stop=0x100000; #TODO, adjust this by the JEDEC size parameter. if(len(sys.argv)>3): start=int(sys.argv[3],16); if(len(sys.argv)>4): stop=int(sys.argv[4],16); print "Dumping code from %06x to %06x as %s." % (start,stop,f); file = open(f, mode='wb') i=start; while i<=stop: data=client.SPIpeekblock(i); if(i%0x100==0): print "Dumped %06x."%i; for j in data: file.write(j); i+=1; file.close() if(sys.argv[1]=="flash"): f = sys.argv[2]; start=0x0000; stop=0x100000; #TODO, adjust this by the JEDEC size parameter. if(len(sys.argv)>3): start=int(sys.argv[3],16); if(len(sys.argv)>4): stop=int(sys.argv[4],16); print "Flashing code from %06x to %06x with %s." % (start,stop,f); file = open(f, mode='rb') i=start; chars=list(file.read()); chunksize=0x80; while i<=stop: bytes=range(0,chunksize); for j in range(0,chunksize): bytes[j]=ord(chars[i+j]); #client.SPIpokebyte(i,ord(chars[i])); client.SPIpokebytes(i,bytes); i+=chunksize; if(i%0x100==0): print "Flashed %06x."%i; file.close() if(sys.argv[1]=="erase"): client.SPIchiperase(); if(sys.argv[1]=="peek"): start=0x0000; if(len(sys.argv)>2): start=int(sys.argv[2],16); stop=start; if(len(sys.argv)>3): stop=int(sys.argv[3],16); print "Peeking from %06x to %06x." % (start,stop); while start<=stop: print "%06x: %02x" % (start,client.SPIpeek(start)); start=start+1; if(sys.argv[1]=="poke"): start=0x0000; val=0x00; if(len(sys.argv)>2): start=int(sys.argv[2],16); if(len(sys.argv)>3): val=int(sys.argv[3],16); print "Poking %06x to become %02x." % (start,val); while client.SPIpeek(start)!=val: client.SPIpokebyte(start,val); print "Poked to %02x" % client.SPIpeek(start);