descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
ownerDobrica Pavlinusic
last changeTue, 29 Oct 2013 21:40:00 +0000 (22:40 +0100)
2013-10-29 dpavlinuse web imports to transfer files master
2013-10-29 dpavlinthis requires apt-get install time
2013-10-29 dpavlincommit changed configuration
2013-10-29 dpavlininit cfg git repository tweak config, update db schema
2013-10-29 dpavlinexport xml files from one instance and import into...
2013-10-29 Dobrica Pavlinusicinitial REST API for EPrints
8 years ago koha
8 years ago eprints
10 years ago master