The Linux IPMI Driver --------------------- Corey Minyard This document describes how to use the IPMI driver for Linux. If you are not familiar with IPMI itself, see the web site at IPMI is a big subject and I can't cover it all here! Basic Design ------------ The Linux IPMI driver is designed to be very modular and flexible, you only need to take the pieces you need and you can use it in many different ways. Because of that, it's broken into many chunks of code. These chunks are: ipmi_msghandler - This is the central piece of software for the IPMI system. It handles all messages, message timing, and responses. The IPMI users tie into this, and the IPMI physical interfaces (called System Management Interfaces, or SMIs) also tie in here. This provides the kernelland interface for IPMI, but does not provide an interface for use by application processes. ipmi_devintf - This provides a userland IOCTL interface for the IPMI driver, each open file for this device ties in to the message handler as an IPMI user. ipmi_kcs_drv - A driver for the KCS SMI. Most system have a KCS interface for IPMI. Much documentation for the interface is in the include files. The IPMI include files are: ipmi.h - Contains the user interface and IOCTL interface for IPMI. ipmi_smi.h - Contains the interface for SMI drivers to use. ipmi_msgdefs.h - General definitions for base IPMI messaging. Addressing ---------- The IPMI addressing works much like IP addresses, you have an overlay to handle the different address types. The overlay is: struct ipmi_addr { int addr_type; short channel; char data[IPMI_MAX_ADDR_SIZE]; }; The addr_type determines what the address really is. The driver currently understands two different types of addresses. "System Interface" addresses are defined as: struct ipmi_system_interface_addr { int addr_type; short channel; }; and the type is IPMI_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_ADDR_TYPE. This is used for talking straight to the BMC on the current card. The channel must be IPMI_BMC_CHANNEL. Messages that are destined to go out on the IPMB bus use the IPMI_IPMB_ADDR_TYPE address type. The format is struct ipmi_ipmb_addr { int addr_type; short channel; unsigned char slave_addr; unsigned char lun; }; The "channel" here is generally zero, but some devices support more than one channel, it corresponds to the channel as defined in the IPMI spec. Messages -------- Messages are defined as: struct ipmi_msg { unsigned char netfn; unsigned char lun; unsigned char cmd; unsigned char *data; int data_len; }; The driver takes care of adding/stripping the header information. The data portion is just the data to be send (do NOT put addressing info here) or the response. Note that the completion code of a response is the first item in "data", it is not stripped out because that is how all the messages are defined in the spec (and thus makes counting the offsets a little easier :-). When using the IOCTL interface from userland, you must provide a block of data for "data", fill it, and set data_len to the length of the block of data, even when receiving messages. Otherwise the driver will have no place to put the message. Messages coming up from the message handler in kernelland will come in as: struct ipmi_recv_msg { struct list_head link; /* The type of message as defined in the "Receive Types" defines above. */ int recv_type; ipmi_user_t *user; struct ipmi_addr addr; long msgid; struct ipmi_msg msg; /* Call this when done with the message. It will presumably free the message and do any other necessary cleanup. */ void (*done)(struct ipmi_recv_msg *msg); /* Place-holder for the data, don't make any assumptions about the size or existence of this, since it may change. */ unsigned char msg_data[IPMI_MAX_MSG_LENGTH]; }; You should look at the receive type and handle the message appropriately. The Upper Layer Interface (Message Handler) ------------------------------------------- The upper layer of the interface provides the users with a consistent view of the IPMI interfaces. It allows multiple SMI interfaces to be addressed (because some boards actually have multiple BMCs on them) and the user should not have to care what type of SMI is below them. Creating the User To user the message handler, you must first create a user using ipmi_create_user. The interface number specifies which SMI you want to connect to, and you must supply callback functions to be called when data comes in. The callback function can run at interrupt level, so be careful using the callbacks. This also allows to you pass in a piece of data, the handler_data, that will be passed back to you on all calls. Once you are done, call ipmi_destroy_user() to get rid of the user. From userland, opening the device automatically creates a user, and closing the device automatically destroys the user. Messaging To send a message from kernel-land, the ipmi_request() call does pretty much all message handling. Most of the parameter are self-explanatory. However, it takes a "msgid" parameter. This is NOT the sequence number of messages. It is simply a long value that is passed back when the response for the message is returned. You may use it for anything you like. Responses come back in the function pointed to by the ipmi_recv_hndl field of the "handler" that you passed in to ipmi_create_user(). Remember again, these may be running at interrupt level. Remember to look at the receive type, too. From userland, you fill out an ipmi_req_t structure and use the IPMICTL_SEND_COMMAND ioctl. For incoming stuff, you can use select() or poll() to wait for messages to come in. However, you cannot use read() to get them, you must call the IPMICTL_RECEIVE_MSG with the ipmi_recv_t structure to actually get the message. Remember that you must supply a pointer to a block of data in the field, and you must fill in the msg.data_len field with the size of the data. This gives the receiver a place to actually put the message. If the message cannot fit into the data you provide, you will get an EMSGSIZE error and the driver will leave the data in the receive queue. If you want to get it and have it truncate the message, us the IPMICTL_RECEIVE_MSG_TRUNC ioctl. When you send a command (which is defined by the lowest-order bit of the netfn per the IPMI spec) on the IPMB bus, the driver will automatically assign the sequence number to the command and save the command. If the response is not receive in the IPMI-specified 5 seconds, it will generate a response automatically saying the command timed out. If an unsolicited response comes in (if it was after 5 seconds, for instance), that response will be ignored. In kernelland, after you receive a message and are done with it, you MUST call ipmi_free_recv_msg() on it, or you will leak messages. Note that you should NEVER mess with the "done" field of a message, that is required to properly clean up the message. Note that when sending, there is an ipmi_request_supply_msgs() call that lets you supply the smi and receive message. This is useful for pieces of code that need to work even if the system is out of buffers (the watchdog timer uses this, for instance). You supply your own buffer and own free routines. This is not recommended for normal use, though, since it is tricky to manage your own buffers. Events and Incoming Commands The driver takes care of polling for IPMI events and receiving commands (commands are messages that are not responses, they are commands that other things on the IPMB bus have sent you). To receive these, you must register for them, they will not automatically be sent to you. To receive events, you must call ipmi_set_gets_events() and set the "val" to non-zero. Any events that have been received by the driver since startup will immediately be delivered to the first user that registers for events. After that, if multiple users are registered for events, they will all receive all events that come in. For receiving commands, you have to individually register commands you want to receive. Call ipmi_register_for_cmd() and supply the netfn and command name for each command you want to receive. Only one user may be registered for each netfn/cmd, but different users may register for different commands. From userland, equivalent IOCTLs are provided to do these functions. The Lower Layer (SMI) Interface ------------------------------- As mentioned before, multiple SMI interfaces may be registered to the message handler, each of these is assigned an interface number when they register with the message handler. They are generally assigned in the order they register, although if an SMI unregisters and then another one registers, all bets are off. The ipmi_smi.h defines the interface for SMIs, see that for more details. The KCS Driver -------------- The KCS driver allows up to 4 KCS interfaces to be configured in the system. By default, the driver will register one KCS interface at the spec-specified I/O port 0xca2 without interrupts. You can change this at module load time (for a module) with: insmod ipmi_kcs_drv.o kcs_ports=,... kcs_addrs=, kcs_irqs=,... kcs_trydefaults=[0|1] The KCS driver supports two types of interfaces, ports (for I/O port based KCS interfaces) and memory addresses (for KCS interfaces in memory). The driver will support both of them simultaneously, setting the port to zero (or just not specifying it) will allow the memory address to be used. The port will override the memory address if it is specified and non-zero. kcs_trydefaults sets whether the standard IPMI interface at 0xca2 and any interfaces specified by ACPE are tried. By default, the driver tries it, set this value to zero to turn this off. When compiled into the kernel, the addresses can be specified on the kernel command line as: ipmi_kcs=:,:....,[nodefault] The values is either "p" or "m" for port or memory addresses. So for instance, a KCS interface at port 0xca2 using interrupt 9 and a memory interface at address 0xf9827341 with no interrupt would be specified "ipmi_kcs=p0xca2:9,m0xf9827341". If you specify zero for in irq or don't specify it, the driver will run polled unless the software can detect the interrupt to use in the ACPI tables. By default, the driver will attempt to detect a KCS device at the spec-specified 0xca2 address and any address specified by ACPI. If you want to turn this off, use the "nodefault" option. If you have high-res timers compiled into the kernel, the driver will use them to provide much better performance. Note that if you do not have high-res timers enabled in the kernel and you don't have interrupts enabled, the driver will run VERY slowly. Don't blame me, the KCS interface sucks. Other Pieces ------------ Watchdog A watchdog timer is provided that implements the Linux-standard watchdog timer interface. It has three module parameters that can be used to control it: insmod ipmi_watchdog timeout= pretimeout= action= preaction= The timeout is the number of seconds to the action, and the pretimeout is the amount of seconds before the reset that the pre-timeout panic will occur (if pretimeout is zero, then pretimeout will not be enabled). The action may be "reset", "power_cycle", or "power_off", and specifies what to do when the timer times out, and defaults to "reset". The preaction may be "pre_smi" for an indication through the SMI interface, "pre_int" for an indication through the SMI with an interrupts, and "pre_nmi" for a NMI on a preaction. When compiled into the kernel, the kernel command line is available for configuring the watchdog: ipmi_wdog=[,[,