Network Devices, the Kernel, and You! Introduction ============ The following is a random collection of documentation regarding network devices. struct net_device synchronization rules ======================================= dev->open: Synchronization: rtnl_lock() semaphore. Context: process dev->stop: Synchronization: rtnl_lock() semaphore. Context: process Note1: netif_running() is guaranteed false Note2: dev->poll() is guaranteed to be stopped dev->do_ioctl: Synchronization: rtnl_lock() semaphore. Context: process dev->get_stats: Synchronization: dev_base_lock rwlock. Context: nominally process, but don't sleep inside an rwlock dev->hard_start_xmit: Synchronization: dev->xmit_lock spinlock. Context: BHs disabled Notes: netif_queue_stopped() is guaranteed false dev->tx_timeout: Synchronization: dev->xmit_lock spinlock. Context: BHs disabled Notes: netif_queue_stopped() is guaranteed true dev->set_multicast_list: Synchronization: dev->xmit_lock spinlock. Context: BHs disabled dev->poll: Synchronization: __LINK_STATE_RX_SCHED bit in dev->state. See dev_close code and comments in net/core/dev.c for more info. Context: softirq