Revision history for Perl extension Fuse. 0.01 Wed Nov 28 21:45:20 2001 - original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options include/fuse.h 0.02 Sun Dec 2 18:59:56 2001 - works well enough to release, but still needs testing 0.03 Wed Dec 5 02:17:52 2001 - changed getattr() to smell like perl's stat() - fleshed out the documentation a bit 0.04 Thu Nov 18 13:51:56 CET 2004 - new maintainer, Dobrica Pavlinusic - updated to work with current CVS version of fuse 0.06 Sun Apr 03 16:15:00 BST 2005 - Add support for operations supported by FUSE 2.2.1 (flush, release, fsync, extended attributes) - add mount options 0.07 Sun Dec 25 10:37:00 PST 2005 - Remove the FUSE_DEBUG constant; we never actually implemented it to begin with. - "make test" now uses the version of Fuse you've just built, not the one installed in /usr/lib/perl5. - getattr test now allows blksize to vary between host and fuse fs, as this is not a bug. - Add experimental support for threading. The following minor API changes accommodate this: - The nonexistent (yet documented) "unthreaded=>1" attribute has been replaced with the "threaded=>1" attribute, and this time it actually exists. - Symbolic refs like "main::e_getattr" are now allowed for callbacks, because threaded mode needs to share() the callbacks, yet perl 5.8.7 does not allow share()ing code refs yet. Direct code-refs are still supported as much as possible (currently, non-threaded mode). - testsuite uses a multithreaded, when available. - Update docs accordingly. Update examples accordingly.