ENVIRONMENT =========== Microsoft SDK ------------- Make sure that you have installed the ws2_32.lib, which is part of the Microsoft SDK. MinGW ----- http://www.mingw.org/ goto Downloads download and install mingw_get_inst-????? Select C Compiler C++ Compiler MSYS Basic System Set the MINGW_HOME environment variable. Add %MINGW_HOME%\msys\1.0\bin;%MINGW_HOME%\bin; to your PATH Open a command shell and make sure that gcc is working: gcc –v LibELF ------ Build and install libelf with mingw, or download the pre-compiled patch and copy it into your mingw root folder. https://gitorious.org/mingw-libs-for-simavr/mingw-libs-for-simavr/trees/master FreeGLUT -------- Build and install freeglut with mingw, or download the pre-compiled patch and copy it into your mingw root folder. https://gitorious.org/mingw-libs-for-simavr/mingw-libs-for-simavr/trees/master WinAVR ----------- If you have not already, download and install WinAVR. http://winavr.sourceforge.net/ (This tutorial assumes you are using WinAVR-20100110.) Make sure that AVR32_HOME is set correctly and pointing do your WinAVR installation directory. %AVR32_HOME%\bin\gcc –v In the output you see that the target is avr, while the target of the host gcc is mingw32. INSTALL simavr =============== get simavr Sources ------------------- Download the patched simavr sources of the mingw branch from: https://github.com/the-real-orca/simavr/tree/mingw and extract the sources to your development directory - or - clone the GIT repository https://github.com/the-real-orca/simavr.git and switch to the mingw branch compile simavr --------------- Open a command window and change to your simavr directory: make all - or - make –r all (this is a bit faster) TEST ==== make –C tests run_tests INSTALL ======= make install DESTDIR=C:\path-to-your-development-directory It will create the following sub-directories and put the according simavr files into them. - bin - lib - include