simavr -- a simple, lean and mean AVR simulator simavr is a new AVR simulator for linux, or any platform that uses avr-gcc. It uses avr-gcc own register definition to simplify creating new targets for supoortted AVR devices. The core was made to be small and compact, and hackable so allow quick protoyping of an AVR project. The simulator loads .elf directly, and there is even a way to specify simulation parameters directly in the emulated code using an .elf section. The status of the project is the core works at about 98% (ie, it works, but there is a known bug). The supported IOs are eeprom, IO ports (including pin interupts), 8 bits timers (well, one of mode of the myriad) and a simple UART that makes ÒprintfÓ work. gdb support is planned next. PREQUISTES: + avr-gcc ; tested with 4.3.4 (from debian) The code rudely assumes the avr-gcc is in /usr/lib/avr/include/... + libelf-dev BUILD: + make TEST: + ./simavr/simavr tests/atmega88_example.axf There are no command line options for now.. The simulator recognizes attiny85, atmega48,88,168 and atmega644. It's fairly easy to add new cores. Michel Pollet