2 Methodology of plant eco-physiology: proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium 3 Control of conditions in the plant chamber: fully automatic regulation of wind velocity, temperature and relative humidity to conform to microclimatic field conditions 4 Methodology of plant eco-physiology: proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium 5 Methodology of plant eco-physiology: proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium 6 Methodology of plant eco-physiology: proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium 17 Measurement of drought resistance in crop plants 22 Methodology of plant eco-physiology: proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium 24 Calculation model for the actual evapotranspiration from cropped areas and other terms of the water balance equation 29 Sur les caract‚ristiques texturales et min‚ralogiques des s‚diments r‚cents et des sols alluviaux dans le delta du Mangoky, sud-ouest de Madagascar 30 Apercu sur la v‚g‚tation occupant les alluvions r‚centes 31 Place de la g‚omorphologie dans l'‚tude de la mise en valeur des deltas tropicaux 34 Use of aerial photographs in delta studies 37 Mud transport studies using manganese as an accompanying element under temperate and tropical climatic conditions: Western Europe, Amazon area and Chao-Phya river area in Thailand 39 Soils in the estuary of the Amazon 41 Morphology, genesis and occurence of acid sulphate soils, cat-clays in deltas of the humid tropics 43 Interaction of river and sea water in the absence of tides 46 Methodology in area analysis 47 Hydrological achievements and social problems 50 Influence of man's traditional activities on soils and vegetation 55 Vegetation as a geological agent in tropical deltas 57 Ground water in deltas 58 Surface hydrology of deltaic areas 59 Control of floods in East Pakistan 60 General features of East Pakistan vegetation 61 Estuarine vegetation of Ceylon 62 Estuaries of the Amazon and Oiapoque rivers and their floras 65 Plankton productivity in relation to tropical fish culture 67 Fish and fisheries of the Sunderbans 69 Humid tropics and their vegetation 70 Some important animal pests and parasites of East Pakistan 71 Agriculture with special reference to rice cultivation in humid tropical zone deltas 73 Need for land-use studies in East Pakistan 74 Deltaic area of the Irrawaddy river in Burma 75 General features of the delta of the Amazon 79 La Politique culturelle en R‚publique unie du Cameroun^zfre 80 Hydrometeorological and tidal problems of the deltaic areas in India 82 Cross-cultural universals of affective meaning 84 Adult education in India; a book of readings 85 Training for change agents; a guide to the design of training programs in education and other fields 86 Higher education and the labour market in Zambia: expectations and performance 88 Open university; a personal account by the first Vice-Chancellor 89 Classical Greece 90 Long way from home; effects of public high schools on village children away from home 92 Peruvian model of innovation: the reform of basic education 94 Chandi Borobudur; a monument of mankind 95 Mucheke: race, status and politics in a Rhodesian community 97 Human rights studies in universities 99 Studies in the philosophy of biology: reduction and related problems 101 Manuel pratique des assurances sociales 102 Unesco, an ideal in action 103 About the quality of life 105 Les Statistiques de la science et de la technologie en Am‚rique latine ^zfre 109 Annual review of energy - v.1, 1976 110 Multinational product strategy; a typology for analysis of worldwide product innovation and diffusion 111 Multinational corporation and social change 115 Folklore from Africa to the United States; an annotated bibliography 117 Demand for part-time learning in Ontario 119 Meeting on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Third Regional Conference of Ministers of Education and Ministers Responsible for Economic Planning in the Arab States^pCairo^d1976 120 Meeting on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Third Regional Conference of Ministers of Education and Ministers Responsible for Economic Planning in the Arab States^pCairo^d1976 122 Meeting of Experts on the Content of Education in the Context of Life-long Education^pParis^d1975 123 Meeting on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Third Regional Conference of Ministers of Education and Ministers Responsible for Economic Planning in the Arab States^pCairo^d1976 124 Meeting on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Third Regional Conference of Ministers of Education and Ministers Responsible for Economic Planning in the Arab States^pCairo^d1976 125 Regional Seminar on Training^n2nd^pDakar^d1975 128 - 129 Incl. bibl. 130 Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Nutrition^n9th^pRome^d1974 131 Measurement of scientific and technical activities - Proposed standard practice for surveys of research and experimental development 133 Consultancy services available in developing ESCAP countries 134 Training courses available in developing ESCAP countries 137 Audit informatique 138 Addresses delivered at a memorial ceremony for Ren‚ Maheu formerly Director-General of Unesco (1961-1974), Unesco House, 26 April 1976 140 Armaments and disarmament in the nuclear age; a handbook 141 Energy for rural development: renewable resources and alternative technologies for developing countries 145 Phenomenology and natural existence 146 Australian perspectives on lifelong education 149 Symposium on the Psychological Bases of Programmed Learning ^pTbilisi, USSR^d1976 151 Manuel pratique des assurances sociales