Correcting table-sorter js for different table structures (Amazon content on or off...
[koha.git] / koha-tmpl / opac-tmpl / prog / en / modules / opac-topissues.tmpl
1 <!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="" --><!-- TMPL_IF NAME="LibraryNameTitle" --><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="LibraryNameTitle" --><!-- TMPL_ELSE -->Koha Online<!-- /TMPL_IF --> Catalog &rsaquo; Most Popular Titles
2 <!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="" -->
3 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
4 function Dopop(link) {
6 }
7 </script>
8 </head>
9 <body>
10 <!-- TMPL_INCLUDE name="" -->
12 <div id="doc3" class="yui-t1">
13    <div id="bd">
14         <div id="yui-main">
15         <div class="yui-b"><div class="yui-g">
17         <form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/koha/">
18                 <fieldset class="rows">
19                 <legend>See the Most Popular Titles</legend>
20           <ol>  <li><label for="limit">Show the top </label> <select name="limit" id="limit">
21                             <option value ="10" selected="selected">10</option>
22                             <option value ="15">15</option>
23                             <option value ="20">20</option>
24                             <option value ="25">25</option>
25                             <option value ="40">40</option>
26                             <option value ="50">50</option>
27                             <option value ="100">100</option>
28                         </select> titles
29                                                 </li>
30                                 <li>
31                <label for="branch">From: </label>
32                 <select name="branch" id="branch">
33                 <option value="">All branches</option>
34                 <!-- TMPL_LOOP name="branchloop" -->
35                     <option value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="value" -->">
36                         <!-- TMPL_VAR name="branchname" -->
37                     </option>
38                 <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
39                 </select>
40             </li>
41             <li><label for="itemtype">Limit to: </label>
42                     <select name="itemtype" id="itemtype">
43                         <option value="">All item types</option>
44                         <!-- TMPL_LOOP name="itemtypeloop" -->
45                             <option value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="value" -->">
46                                 <!-- TMPL_VAR name="description" -->
47                             </option>
48                         <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
49                     </select></li>
50                         <li>
51             <label for="timeLimit">Acquired in the last:</label> <select name="timeLimit" id="timeLimit">
52                 <option value="3">3 months</option>
53                 <option value="6">6 months</option>
54                 <option value="12">12 months</option>
55                 <option value="999">No limit</option>
56                                 </select>
57             </li></ol>
58         <input type="hidden" name="do_it" value="1" />
59     </fieldset>
60         <fieldset class="action">
61         <input type="submit" value="Submit" /></fieldset>
62     </form>
64     <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="results_loop" -->
66         <table>
67                 <caption>The <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="limit"--> most checked-out 
68         <!-- TMPL_IF name="itemtype" -->
69             <!-- TMPL_VAR name="itemtype" -->
70         <!-- TMPL_ELSE --> titles<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
71         <!-- TMPL_IF name="branch" -->
72         at 
73         <!-- TMPL_VAR name="branch" -->
74         <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
75         <!-- TMPL_IF name="timeLimit" -->
76         in the past <!-- TMPL_VAR name="timeLimit" --> months
77         <!-- TMPL_ELSE --> of all time<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
78     </caption>
79             <tr>
80                 <th>Title</th>
81                 <th>Itemtype</th>
82                 <th>Checkouts</th>
83             </tr>
84                 <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="results_loop" -->
85                     <tr>
86                         <td>
87                         <p><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/<!-- TMPL_VAR name="biblionumber" -->">
88                         <!-- TMPL_VAR name="title" --></a>
89                         </p>
90                         <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="author" -->
91                         <!-- TMPL_IF name="publicationyear" --> - <!-- TMPL_VAR name="publicationyear" --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
92                         <!-- TMPL_IF name="publishercode" -->- <!-- TMPL_VAR name="publishercode" --><!-- /TMPL_IF --> <!-- TMPL_IF name="seriestitle" -->(<!-- TMPL_VAR name="seriestitle" -->)<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
93                         <!-- TMPL_IF name="place" --> ; <!-- TMPL_VAR name="place" --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
94                         <!-- TMPL_IF name="pages" --> - <!-- TMPL_VAR name="pages" --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
95                         <!-- TMPL_IF name="size" --> ; <!-- TMPL_VAR name="size" --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
96                         </td>
97                         <td><!-- TMPL_VAR name="description" --></td>
98                         <td><!-- TMPL_VAR name="tot" --></td>
99                         </tr>
100                 <!-- /TMPL_LOOP-->
101         </table>
102    <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
104 </div>
105 </div>
106 </div>
107 <div class="yui-b">
108 <!--TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="" -->
109 <!-- TMPL_INCLUDE name="" -->
110 </div>
111 </div>
112 <!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="" -->