[bcm963xx.git] / userapps / broadcom / cfm / html / bandwidth_management.html
1 <html>\r
2 <head> \r
3 <title>Bandwidth Management</title>\r
4 </head>\r
5       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">\r
6       <meta HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>\r
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8       <script language="javascript" src="util.js"></script>\r
9       <script language='javascript'>\r
10 <!--\r
11 \r
12     var qos_global_enable='<%ejGet(qos_global_enable)%>';\r
13     var qos_pshack='<%ejGet(qos_pshack_prio)%>';            //Game\r
14     var qos_shortpkt='<%ejGet(qos_shortpkt_prio)%>';        //Internet\r
15     var qos_service_enable='<%ejGet(qos_service_enable)%>'; //FTP\r
16     var qos_tos='<%ejGet(qos_tos_prio)%>';                  //VOIP\r
17 \r
18 /*/\r
19     var qos_global_enable='1';\r
20     var qos_shortpkt='1';\r
21     var qos_pshack='1';\r
22     var qos_tos='1';\r
23     var qos_service_enable='1';\r
24 */        \r
25 function click_GameBtn()\r
26 {\r
27     with(document.forms[0]){\r
28         if(qos_pshack_w.value==0){\r
29                 qos_global_enable_w.value=1;\r
30                 qos_pshack_w.value=1;           \r
31                 blocking('GameOn' ,true);\r
32                 blocking('GameOff' ,false);\r
33         }\r
34         else{\r
35                 qos_pshack_w.value=0;           \r
36                 blocking('GameOn' ,false);\r
37                 blocking('GameOff' ,true);\r
38                 if(qos_shortpkt_w.value==0 && qos_service_enable_w.value==0 && qos_tos_w.value==0)\r
39                         qos_global_enable_w.value=0;\r
40         }\r
41         constructDynm();\r
42     }\r
43 }\r
44                                                                                                                                               \r
45 function click_InternetBtn()\r
46 {\r
47     with(document.forms[0]){\r
48         if(qos_shortpkt_w.value==0){\r
49                 qos_global_enable_w.value=1;\r
50                 qos_shortpkt_w.value=1;\r
51                 blocking('InternetOn' ,true);\r
52                 blocking('InternetOff' ,false);\r
53         }\r
54         else{\r
55                 qos_shortpkt_w.value=0;\r
56                 blocking('InternetOn' ,false);\r
57                 blocking('InternetOff' ,true);\r
58                 if(qos_pshack_w.value==0 && qos_service_enable_w.value==0 && qos_tos_w.value==0)\r
59                         qos_global_enable_w.value=0;\r
60         }\r
61         constructDynm();\r
62     }\r
63 }\r
64                                                                                                                                               \r
65 function click_ServerBtn()\r
66 {\r
67     with(document.forms[0]){\r
68         if(qos_service_enable_w.value==0){\r
69                 qos_global_enable_w.value=1;\r
70                 qos_service_enable_w.value=1;           \r
71                 blocking('ServerOn' ,true);\r
72                 blocking('ServerOff' ,false);   \r
73         }\r
74         else{\r
75                 qos_service_enable_w.value=0;           \r
76                 blocking('ServerOn' ,false);\r
77                 blocking('ServerOff' ,true);    \r
78                 if(qos_pshack_w.value==0 && qos_shortpkt_w.value==0 && qos_tos_w.value==0)\r
79                         qos_global_enable_w.value=0;\r
80         }\r
81         constructDynm();\r
82     }\r
83 }\r
84 \r
85 function click_VOIPBtn()\r
86 {\r
87     with(document.forms[0]){\r
88         if(qos_tos_w.value==0){\r
89                 qos_global_enable_w.value=1;\r
90                 qos_tos_w.value=1;\r
91                 blocking('VOIPOn' ,true);\r
92                 blocking('VOIPOff' ,false);\r
93         }\r
94         else{\r
95                 qos_tos_w.value=0;\r
96                 blocking('VOIPOn' ,false);\r
97                 blocking('VOIPOff' ,true);\r
98                 if(qos_pshack_w.value==0 && qos_shortpkt_w.value==0 && qos_service_enable_w.value==0)\r
99                         qos_global_enable_w.value=0;\r
100         }\r
101         constructDynm();\r
102     }\r
103 }\r
104                                                                                                                                               \r
105 function ShowNote(i)\r
106 {\r
107         if(i==1)\r
108         {\r
109                 blocking('NO', true);\r
110                 blocking('GAME', false);        \r
111                 blocking('INTERNET', false);\r
112                 blocking('SERVER', false);\r
113                 blocking('VOIP', false);\r
114         }\r
115         else if(i==3)\r
116         {\r
117                 blocking('NO', false);\r
118                 blocking('GAME', true); \r
119                 blocking('INTERNET', false);\r
120                 blocking('SERVER', false);\r
121                 blocking('VOIP', false);\r
122         }\r
123         else if(i==4)\r
124         {\r
125                 blocking('NO', false);\r
126                 blocking('GAME', false);        \r
127                 blocking('INTERNET', true);\r
128                 blocking('SERVER', false);\r
129                 blocking('VOIP', false);\r
130         }\r
131         else if(i==5)\r
132         {\r
133                 blocking('NO', false);\r
134                 blocking('GAME', false);        \r
135                 blocking('INTERNET', false);\r
136                 blocking('SERVER', true);\r
137                 blocking('VOIP', false);\r
138         }\r
139         else if(i==6)\r
140         {\r
141                 blocking('NO', false);\r
142                 blocking('GAME', false);        \r
143                 blocking('INTERNET', false);\r
144                 blocking('SERVER', false);\r
145                 blocking('VOIP', true);\r
146         }\r
147 }\r
148 \r
149 function blocking(nr,show)\r
150 {\r
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152         {\r
153                 var vista = (show) ? 'block' : 'none';\r
154                 document.getElementById(nr).style.display = vista;\r
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157         {\r
158                 var current = (show) ? 'block' : 'none';\r
159                 document.layers[nr].display = current;\r
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162         {\r
163                 var current = (show) ? 'block' : 'none';\r
164                 document.all[nr].style.display = current;\r
165         }\r
166 }\r
167 \r
168 function frmload()\r
169 {\r
170     with(document.forms[0]){\r
171         qos_global_enable_w.value=qos_global_enable;\r
172         qos_shortpkt_w.value=qos_shortpkt;\r
173         qos_pshack_w.value=qos_pshack;\r
174         qos_tos_w.value=qos_tos;\r
175         qos_service_enable_w.value=qos_service_enable;\r
176         \r
177         if(qos_pshack_w.value==0) {\r
178                 blocking('GameOn' ,false);\r
179                 blocking('GameOff' ,true);\r
180         }\r
181         else {\r
182                 blocking('GameOn' ,true);\r
183                 blocking('GameOff' ,false);\r
184         }\r
185         if(qos_shortpkt_w.value==0) {\r
186                 blocking('InternetOn' ,false);\r
187                 blocking('InternetOff' ,true);\r
188         }\r
189         else {\r
190                 blocking('InternetOn' ,true);\r
191                 blocking('InternetOff' ,false);\r
192         }\r
193         if(qos_service_enable_w.value==0) {\r
194                 blocking('ServerOn' ,false);\r
195                 blocking('ServerOff' ,true);\r
196         }\r
197         else {\r
198                 blocking('ServerOn' ,true);\r
199                 blocking('ServerOff' ,false);\r
200         }\r
201         if(qos_tos_w.value==0) {\r
202                 blocking('VOIPOn' ,false);\r
203                 blocking('VOIPOff' ,true);\r
204         }\r
205         else {\r
206                 blocking('VOIPOn' ,true);\r
207                 blocking('VOIPOff' ,false);\r
208         }\r
209         ShowNote(1);\r
210         constructDynm();\r
211     }\r
212 }\r
213                                                                                                                                               \r
214 function getObj(name)\r
215 {\r
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217         {\r
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219        = document.getElementById(name).style;\r
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222         {\r
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224        = document.all[name].style;\r
225         }\r
226         else if (document.layers)\r
227         {\r
228                 this.obj = document.layers[name];\r
229        = document.layers[name];\r
230         }\r
231 }\r
232               \r
233 function paint_backup_progress(i)\r
234 {\r
235     with(document.forms[0]){                                                                                                                                              \r
236         var result = "";\r
237         var punit, progress;\r
238         var total = parseInt(qos_shortpkt_w.value) + parseInt(qos_pshack_w.value) + parseInt(qos_tos_w.value) + parseInt(qos_service_enable_w.value);\r
239 \r
240         if( i==1 ) { //Game\r
241             if (qos_pshack_w.value==1)\r
242                 progress=12/total;\r
243             else\r
244                 progress=1;\r
245         }\r
246         if( i==2 ) { //Internet\r
247             if (qos_shortpkt_w.value==1)\r
248                 progress=12/total;\r
249             else\r
250                 progress=1;\r
251         }\r
252         if( i==3 ) { //FTP\r
253             if (qos_service_enable_w.value==1)\r
254                 progress=12/total;\r
255             else\r
256                 progress=1;\r
257         }\r
258         if( i==4 ) { //VOIP\r
259             if (qos_tos_w.value==1)\r
260                 progress=12/total;\r
261             else\r
262                 progress=1;\r
263         }\r
264                 \r
265         result += '<table width="360" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';\r
266                                                                                                                                               \r
267         result += '<tr><td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr height="20">';\r
268         for(punit = 0; punit < progress; punit++){\r
269                 result += '<td width="30" bgcolor="#00cc00"></td>';\r
270         }\r
271         result += '</tr></table></td>';\r
272         result += "</tr></table>";\r
273 \r
274         return result;\r
275     }\r
276 }\r
277                                                                                                                                 \r
278 function constructDynm(){\r
279         var w,x,y,z;\r
280                                                                                                                                               \r
281         w = new getObj("backup_progress_div1");\r
282                                                                                                                                               \r
283         if((document.all) || (document.getElementById)){\r
284                 w.obj.innerHTML = paint_backup_progress(1);\r
285         } else{\r
286                 w.obj.document.write(paint_backup_progress(1));\r
287                 w.obj.document.close();\r
288         }\r
289         \r
290         x = new getObj("backup_progress_div2");\r
291                                                                                                                                               \r
292         if((document.all) || (document.getElementById)){\r
293                 x.obj.innerHTML = paint_backup_progress(2);\r
294         } else{\r
295                 x.obj.document.write(paint_backup_progress(2));\r
296                 x.obj.document.close();\r
297         }\r
298         \r
299         y = new getObj("backup_progress_div3");\r
300                                                                                                                                               \r
301         if((document.all) || (document.getElementById)){\r
302                 y.obj.innerHTML = paint_backup_progress(3);\r
303         } else{\r
304                 y.obj.document.write(paint_backup_progress(3));\r
305                 y.obj.document.close();\r
306         }\r
307         \r
308         z = new getObj("backup_progress_div4");\r
309                                                                                                                                               \r
310         if((document.all) || (document.getElementById)){\r
311                 z.obj.innerHTML = paint_backup_progress(4);\r
312         } else{\r
313                 z.obj.document.write(paint_backup_progress(4));\r
314                 z.obj.document.close();\r
315         }\r
316 }\r
317 -->\r
318 </script>\r
319 <style ="text/css">\r
320 <!--\r
321 body {\r
322     color: #000000;\r
323     background-color: #f5fcee;\r
324 }\r
325 .ModeText {\r
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330 }\r
331 \r
332 .title {font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; TEXT-DECORATION: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF; }\r
333 -->\r
334 </style>\r
335 \r
336 <body onload='frmload();'>\r
337 <blockquote>\r
338 <b> Bandwidth Management -- Bandwidth On Demand</b><br><br>\r
339 <form name="Management" action="BandwidthMan.cgi" method="get">\r
340 <input type='hidden' name='qos_global_enable_w'>\r
341 <input type='hidden' name='qos_pshack_w'> <!-- Game -->\r
342 <input type='hidden' name='qos_shortpkt_w'><!-- Internet -->\r
343 <input type='hidden' name='qos_service_enable_w'><!-- FTP -->\r
344 <input type='hidden' name='qos_tos_w'><!-- VOIP -->\r
345 \r
346       <table width="452" height="86" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">\r
347       <tr>\r
348       <td width="50"></td>\r
349       <td width="88" height="86" align="center" valign="middle" background="game_botton_bg.gif"\r
350           onMouseOver="ShowNote(3);" onMouseOut="ShowNote(1);" onclick="click_GameBtn();" STYLE="cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;">\r
351       <table width="88" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">\r
352         <tr>\r
353           <th width="88" height="43" scope="col">&nbsp;</th>\r
354         </tr>\r
355         <tr>\r
356           <td width="88" height="43" align="center">\r
357             <div id='GameOn' style='display:none'>\r
358                 <font color='#FFFF00' class="ModeText">Gaming<br/>Blaster</font></a>\r
359             </div>\r
360             <div id='GameOff' style='display:none'>\r
361                 <font color='#000066' class="ModeText">Gaming<br/>Blaster</font></a>\r
362             </div>\r
363           </td>\r
364         </tr>\r
365       </table>\r
366       </td>\r
367       <td width="20" height="86" align="center" valign="middle">&nbsp;</td>\r
368       <td width="88" height="86" align="center" valign="middle" background="download_botton_bg.gif"\r
369           onMouseOver="ShowNote(4);" onMouseOut="ShowNote(1);" onclick="click_InternetBtn();" STYLE="cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;">\r
370       <table width="88" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">\r
371         <tr>\r
372           <th width="88" height="43" scope="col">&nbsp;</th>\r
373         </tr>\r
374         <tr>\r
375           <td width="88" height="43" align="center">\r
376             <div id='InternetOn' style='display:none'>\r
377                 <font color='#FFFF00' class="ModeText">Internet<br/>Application</font></a>\r
378             </div>\r
379             <div id='InternetOff' style='display:none'>\r
380                 <font color='#000066' class="ModeText">Internet<br/>Application</font></a>\r
381             </div>\r
382           </td>\r
383         </tr>\r
384       </table>\r
385       </td>\r
386       <td width="20" height="86" align="center" valign="middle">&nbsp;</td>\r
387       <td width="88" height="86" align="center" valign="middle" background="server_botton_bg.gif"\r
388           onMouseOver="ShowNote(5);" onMouseOut="ShowNote(1);" onclick="click_ServerBtn();" STYLE="cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;">\r
389       <table width="88" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">\r
390         <tr>\r
391           <th width="88" height="43" scope="col">&nbsp;</th>\r
392         </tr>\r
393         <tr>\r
394           <td width="88" height="43" align="center">\r
395             <div id='ServerOn' style='display:none'>\r
396                 <font color='#FFFF00' class="ModeText">WL600g FTP<br/>Server</font></a>\r
397             </div>\r
398             <div id='ServerOff' style='display:none'>\r
399                 <font color='#000066' class="ModeText">WL600g FTP<br/>Server</font></a>\r
400             </div>\r
401           </td>\r
402         </tr>\r
403       </table>\r
404       </td>\r
405       <td width="20" height="86" align="center" valign="middle">&nbsp;</td>\r
406       <td width="88" height="86" align="center" valign="middle" background="video_botton_bg.gif" onMouseOver="ShowNote(6);" onMouseOut="ShowNote(1);" onclick="click_VOIPBtn();" STYLE="cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;">\r
407       <table width="88" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">\r
408         <tr>\r
409           <th width="88" height="43" scope="col">&nbsp;</th>\r
410         </tr>\r
411         <tr>\r
412           <td width="88" height="43" align="center">\r
413             <div id='VOIPOn' style='display:none'>\r
414                 <font color='#FFFF3C' class="ModeText">VOIP/Video<br/>Streaming</font></a>\r
415             </div>\r
416             <div id='VOIPOff' style='display:none'>\r
417                 <font color='#000066' class="ModeText">VOIP/Video<br/>Streaming</font></a>\r
418             </div>\r
419           </td>\r
420         </tr>\r
421       </table>\r
422       </td>\r
423     </tr>\r
424     </table><br>\r
425   <table>\r
426   <tr height="70"><td valign='top' width="600">\r
427   <div id='NO' style='display:none'>&nbsp;</div>\r
428   <div id='GAME' style='display:none'>Under Gaming Blaster, WL-600g will handle gaming traffic at first priority. You can then enjoy latency-free gaming experiences!</div>\r
429   <div id='INTERNET' style='display:none'>Under this mode, e-mail, web browsing, and other Internet applications will be handled at first priority.</div>\r
430   <div id='SERVER' style='display:none'>Under this mode, the files downloaded/uploaded to WL-600g's USB FTP server will be sent through without interruption! Otherwise, you can resolve more bandwidth for this service at "User Specify Service" page!</div>\r
431   <div id='VOIP' style='display:none'>Under this mode, WL-600g will firstly manage all the audio/video traffic. No more latency when talking over IP phone or watching movies online!</div>\r
432   </tr></td>\r
433 \r
434     <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">\r
435         <tr>\r
436                 <td width="150"></td><td width="50"></td><td width="260" align="center"><b>Prioroty</b></td><td width="50"></td>\r
437         </tr>\r
438         <tr>\r
439                 <td></td><td>Low</td><td></td><td align="right">High</td>\r
440         </tr>\r
441     </table>\r
442     <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">\r
443         <tr>\r
444                 <td width='150' align="right" class="ModeText"><b>Gaming Blaster &nbsp;</b><td>\r
445                 <td><div id='backup_progress_div1'></div></td>\r
446         </tr>\r
447         <tr height="20"><td></td></tr>\r
448         <tr>\r
449                 <td align="right" class="ModeText"><b>Inernet Application &nbsp;</b><td>\r
450                 <td><div id='backup_progress_div2'></div></td>\r
451         </tr>\r
452         <tr height="20"><td></td></tr>\r
453         <tr>\r
454                 <td align="right" class="ModeText"><b>FTP Server &nbsp;</b><td>\r
455                 <td><div id='backup_progress_div3'></div></td>\r
456         </tr>\r
457         <tr height="20"><td></td></tr>\r
458         <tr>\r
459                 <td align="right" class="ModeText"><b>Voip/Video Streaming &nbsp;</b><td>\r
460                 <td><div id='backup_progress_div4'></div></td>\r
461         </tr>\r
462     </table>\r
463 </blockquote>\r
464 <br>\r
465 <center>\r
466 <input type="submit" value="Apply" name="Submit">&nbsp;\r
467 <input type="submit" value="Save/Reboot" name="Submit">\r
468 </center>\r
469 </form>\r
470 </body>\r
471 </html>\r