[bcm963xx.git] / userapps / broadcom / cfm / html / diaglan.html
1 <html>
2    <head>
3       <meta HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>
4       <link rel="stylesheet" href='stylemain.css' type='text/css'>
5           <script language="javascript" src="portName.js"></script>
6          <link rel="stylesheet" href='colors.css' type='text/css'>
7    </head>
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9       <blockquote>
10          <form>
11             <b>Diagnostics</b><br>
12             <P>Your modem is capable of testing your DSL connection. The individual tests are
13                listed below. If a test displays a fail status, click &quot;Rerun Diagnostic
14                Tests&quot; at the bottom of this page to make sure the fail status is
15                consistent. If the test continues to fail, click &quot;Help&quot; and follow
16                the troubleshooting procedures.
17             </P>
18             <P><B>Test the connection to your local network</B>
19                <TABLE border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
20                   <TBODY>
21                      <%ejGet(enetDiag)%>                  
22                      <script language="javascript">
23 <!-- hide
24 if ('<%ejGet(enblUsb)%>' == '1') {
25    document.writeln("<TR><TD class='hd'>Test your USB Connection: </TD>");
26    document.writeln("<TD><B><%ejGetOther(diagnostic, 13)%></B>&nbsp;</TD>");
27    document.writeln("<TD><A href='hlpusbconn.html'>Help</A></TD> </TR>");
28 }
29 if ('<%ejGet(enblWireless)%>' == '1') {
30    document.writeln("<TR><TD class='hd'>Test your Wireless Connection: </TD>");
31    document.writeln("<TD><B><%ejGetOther(diagnostic, 17)%></B>&nbsp;</TD>");
32    document.writeln("<TD><A href='hlpwlconn.html'>Help</A></TD></TR>");
33 }
34 // done hiding -->
35 </script>
36                   </TBODY></TABLE>
37             <P><B>Test the connection to your DSL service provider</B>
38                <TABLE border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
39                   <TBODY>
40                      <TR>
41                         <TD class='hd' width="250">Test ADSL Synchronization:
42                         </TD>
43                         <TD width="50"><B><%ejGetOther(diagnostic, 2)%></B>&nbsp;</TD>
44                         <TD><A href="hlpadslsync.html">Help</A></TD>
45                      </TR>
46                   </TBODY></TABLE>
47             <P>
48                <CENTER><br>
49                   <input type='button' onClick='location.href="diag.html"' value='Rerun Diagnostic Tests'>
50          </form>
51       </blockquote>
52    </body>
53 </html>