r8877@llin: dpavlin | 2005-11-14 18:40:33 +0100
[webpac2] / web / iwf / docs / index.html
1 <html>\r
2         <head>\r
3                 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">\r
4                 <link rel='stylesheet' href='iwf.css' />\r
5 \r
6                 <script type='text/javascript' src='../iwfcore.js'></script>\r
7                 <script type='text/javascript' src='../iwfgui.js'></script>\r
8                 <script type='text/javascript' src='../iwfxml.js'></script>\r
9                 <script type='text/javascript' src='../iwfajax.js'></script>\r
10 \r
11                 <script type='text/javascript'>\r
12                 function iwfOnRequestError(code, msg, text){\r
13                         alert('error= ' + code + '\nMessage=' + msg + '\n\n' + text);\r
14                 }\r
15 \r
16                 var cur = null;\r
17 \r
18                 function doRequest(url, tgt){\r
19 \r
20 \r
21                         // begin requesting the data\r
22                         iwfRequest(url);\r
23 \r
24                         cur = tgt;\r
25 \r
26                         // align the outline box around the current item\r
27                         iwfAlignTo("mnuBlock", tgt, "tc", "tc", 15);\r
28 \r
29                         // prevent browser from leaving focus on this guy.\r
30                         iwfGetById(tgt).blur();\r
31 \r
32 \r
33                 }\r
34 \r
35                 function hilite(tgt){\r
36                         // align a shadow box near at the top center, but have it\r
37                         // delay a bit\r
38                         iwfDelay(50, iwfAlignTo, "mnuBlock2", tgt, "bc", "tc", 20);\r
39 \r
40 \r
41                         // align the other shadow box at the bottom center\r
42                         iwfDelay(50, iwfAlignTo, "mnuBlock3", tgt, "tc", "bc", 10);\r
43                 }\r
44 \r
45                 function unhilite(){\r
46                         // move outline box back to current item\r
47                         if(cur){\r
48                                 hilite(cur);\r
49                         }\r
50                 }\r
51 \r
52                 </script>\r
53 \r
54         </head>\r
55         <body onload=''>\r
56 \r
57                 <!-- logo -->\r
58                 <div>\r
59                         <h1>IWF - Interactive Website Framework</h1>\r
60                 </div>\r
61 \r
62                 <!-- for menu animations -->\r
63                 <div id='mnuBlock' class='menuBlock'></div>\r
64                 <div id='mnuBlock2' class='menuBlock2'></div>\r
65                 <div id='mnuBlock3' class='menuBlock2'></div>\r
66 \r
67 \r
68                 <!-- menu -->\r
69                 <div id='menu' class='menu'>\r
70                         <ul>\r
71                                 <li><a\r
72                                                 href='javascript:doRequest("overview.xml", "mnuOverview");'\r
73                                                 onmouseover='javascript:hilite("mnuOverview");'\r
74                                                 onmouseout='javascript:unhilite();'\r
75                                                 id='mnuOverview'>Overview</a></li>\r
76                                 <li><a\r
77                                                 href='javascript:doRequest("examples.xml", "mnuExamples");'\r
78                                                 onmouseover='javascript:hilite("mnuExamples");'\r
79                                                 onmouseout='javascript:unhilite();'\r
80                                                 id='mnuExamples'>Examples</a></li>\r
81                                 <li><a\r
82                                                 href='javascript:doRequest("faq.xml", "mnuFaq");'\r
83                                                 onmouseover='javascript:hilite("mnuFaq");'\r
84                                                 onmouseout='javascript:unhilite();'\r
85                                                 id='mnuFaq'>FAQ</a></li>\r
86                                 <li><a\r
87                                                 href='javascript:doRequest("download.xml", "mnuDownload");'\r
88                                                 onmouseover='javascript:hilite("mnuDownload");'\r
89                                                 onmouseout='javascript:unhilite();'\r
90                                                 id='mnuDownload'>Download</a></li>\r
91                         </ul>\r
92                 </div>\r
93 \r
94                 <!-- prepackaged window\r
95                 <div id='exampleWindow' iwfWindow='true' iwfWindowTitle='Content' style='width:400;height:300;top:200px;left:150px;border:1px solid black;'>\r
96                 </div>\r
97                  -->\r
98 \r
99                 <!-- default target for IWF -->\r
100                 <div id='iwfContent' style='background-color:white;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px'></div>\r
101 \r
102 \r
103                 <!-- stuff at the bottom -->\r
104                 <div class='sidebar'>\r
105                 <p>&nbsp;</p>\r
106 \r
107                 <!-- source forge links -->\r
108 <a href="http://sourceforge.net"> <img src="http://sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=140835&amp;type=5" width="210" height="62" border="0" alt="SourceForge.net Logo" /></a>\r
109 <a href="http://sourceforge.net/donate/index.php?group_id=140835"><img src="http://images.sourceforge.net/images/project-support.jpg" width="88" height="32" border="0" alt="Support IWF" /></a>\r
110 \r
111                 </div>\r
112 \r
113                 <script type='text/javascript' src='../iwfconfig.js'></script>\r
114 \r
115                 <script type='text/javascript'>\r
116                         // the source forge images sometimes take too long to come up,\r
117                         // so click the link and hilite the current menu item before the body onload event fires...\r
118                         iwfClickLink("mnuOverview");\r
119                         hilite("mnuOverview");\r
120                 </script>\r
121         </body>\r
122 </html>